#6. Lindstrøm - Where You Go, I Go Too
There is a niche style in art and fashion called "retro-future." The idea of retro future is to adopt and celebrate the future imaged by past generations. What is interesting about retro future is the future imaged by past generations was always limited by the barrier of present technology. Thus the world envisioned by the 1950's ;looked like a hyper spun version of the 1950's. IT is almost impossible to fully predict the curves of progression. Retro futures are very optimistic and share traits to the dystopia futures in science fiction. This is the future at peace. Norwegian producer HP Lindstrøm has created an album so retro futuristic it has a sound which makes me think of 2001 from 1976. Where You Go I Go Too is full of small blinking lights from huge consoles and laser beams crossing each other in a brilliant display of ingenuity. The album is a seamless piece broken into pieces. My experience with this album came at the window seat on an elevated subway. It was raining that day and the raindrops spidered across the glass. It was incredible. Below is an edited version of the last track entitled "the Long Way Home."
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