I would like to take this opportunity to get myself into the full costume of a blogger; whereby anything I deem important will be written about in great exhaustive detail to be supplied with pictures, links and possibly video. A couple of weeks ago Myself, George Force, Epileptic Peat and the Davidian Compound mused on our favorite horror movies for the Halloween Episode of OOC. In our effort to be extensive as possible, we have found ourselves still receiving horror films which late from a bloated online film queue. It is sad when one of those films turns out to be quite possibly the best horror film ever made.Possibly the best or the best?Robert Hiltzik's 1983 immortal classic still lives on as one of the cheesiest / most disturbing horror films of all time. I thought I saw this movie back in high school, but it turns out I watched the second and third installment with Bruce springsteens sister, Pamela Springsteen. While I can not recommend the second or third movie, by any stretch of the imagination, I can urge everyone to watch the first. Hiltzik himself has done nothing since the first movie and despite 3 mindbogglingly bad squeals has stayed away from the directors chair until 2008. 25 years later, Return To Sleepaway Camp is released straight to video and rumors of Sleepaway Camp: Reunion are now flooding the internet. Thank you God.
I present to you part 8/8 of the original Sleepaway Camp. Anyone interested in watching the full movie will probably be treated to a more of a "plot" but for anyone else, all you need to know is campers are dying and everyone suspects Angela; the quiet girl. Enjoy the ending and the closing song by Frank Vinci. (NSFW)
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