So today was the first miserable day of the year. For two days it was overcast and gloomy. Winter is coming. My roommate and I recounted our glory days last winter in which we boarded ourselves in our apartment with cases of energy drinks, convenience store food and a deep playlist of black metal. The day would usually ended up in front of the television watching Law and Order marathons while nursing a stomach ache. The sound of black metal now conjures the image of my room illuminated with the reflections of sunlight from the snow. Black metal is the comfy feeling of despair and anguish. Black Metal is the taste of energy drinks, cool ranch doritos and hot pockets. Because winter is on the horizon I would like to recommend of my recent favorite black metal alums: La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénerescence by french black metal elitists, Peste Noire. I am fascinated at the amount of torment a voice can undergo before being obliterated. Throughout the history of black metal, the voice has been stretched twisted and stabbed in the side. This is why I enjoy Xasthur. He sounds like a pterodactyl...with a broken wing...at the bottom of a cave. The voice of Famine, guitarist from Peste Noire has a voice which trumps Malefic's raspy prehistorical shriek. Imagine the sound from out of a hole in the throat which opens up wider with every dying push from the stomach. Amazing. While the majority of black metal vocalists have control over their voice, Famine's voice sounds raw and untrained. The constant fluxuation of the pitch combined with the effort of the singer makes an astounding combination. Pay close attention to the 3 minute mark of "Dueil Angoisseus (Christine De Pisan, 1362-1431)"
While I enjoy black metal, I must laugh at the sometimes ridiculous nature of elitism that is the structure of the scene. Certain black metal groups, including Peste Noire have refused to support the Internet as a viable source for promotion. black for them exists in underground shows and cassette tape trading. Peste Noire does not have a myspace, homepage or any place where you can order their stuff unless you are apart of elite trading circles in Avingon. So since this is a blog, i must appologize to La Sale Famine de Valfunde (full name) for exposing his band to people on the Internet. I wanted to come to your show in France, but I couldn't find where it was. Damn it!You were in Canada a few months ago. I'm sorry I didn't read the big stone wall underneath the stone church. HaHa. Did you like that little joke I made? I'll catch you next time when Jaggermiester puts you on the bill with Metallica. See you later dudes. Keep rockin in the free world!
1 comment:
This is the music I think of when I have to fill out tons of paperwork for a new job...
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