Tuesday, November 25, 2008

59. Uhh Yeah Dude (2006-2008)

I have only recently gotten into podcasts. I think I should be into podcasts since I am apart of Out Of Commission. Since the format is free, there are a gaggle of podcast available on ITunes. Besides This American Life, The Moth and past episodes of OOC, I have not delved fully into the world of podcasting. My brother, Epileptic Peat, told me about UYD around a year ago. I think I listened to 20 minutes at first and discarded it for about a year. It was not until recently I listened to a full episode (133). This episode was so funny and entertaining, I have been devoting every morning to catching up on the backlog of 2 years and can truthfully say it is the most entertaining podcast I have listened to in my very narrow scope of podcast listening. Since there is no format, angle or gimmick, the show is fluid and dynamic. It is just two guys sitting around and talking about the news. That is it. No prerecorded segments, prank calls or gimmicks. Just two guys sitting around talking about "shit." The entertainment from the show comes through the delivery and comments made about the stories. I tried to get my girlfriend into the show, but her hatred for talk radio has rendered my quest unsuccessful. On our recent bus trip up to NYC, I played episode 93. UYD, at least for me has the power to make an hour pass by with little notice. While 93 has its moments, is not the funniest of episodes. I could feel her boredom as I was giggling out loud. Damn it. I should of played an older episode I knew was funny (133, 74, 66). I think I have one more shot, and will have to plan my attack accordingly to reverse her way of thinking which has been cultivated for the past 10 years. I do not know why everyone does not like people talking for an hour. I do not understand why people do not like hearing stories. I guess It's not for everyone. But Maybe.

Uhh Yeah Dude

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