From the Album Venus On Earth
My girlfriend fell in love with Dengue Fever this summer. So much that I was given their entire discography and forced to listen to it at gunpoint. It wasn't that bad. I think I liked it more before I heard a general sigh from the masses regarding their story. It is an interesting story. Cambodian court singer joins a California psych pop band. Well it was interesting in 2006 when Sleepwalking Through The Mekong was premiered, the documentary about the band and their back story. It is a history that is so interesting the music can sometimes be forgotten. By the time Venus On Earth had been released, Dengue Fever was yesterdays news and other people were left to being using film noir cliches. Its too bad that Venus on Earth was the first album I heard, when I talked about it on my forums, I was immediately lashed with fiery coals from the mouths of pretentious 13 years olds. Jesus they are so last summer, did you hear the new Square Meets Circle...now theres a band!? Well the album is not that bad. But its not amazing. However there are a few songs which would make wonderful additions to this mysterious mixtape you are making the girl in your psychology class. The song which particularly grabbed my interest was Tiger Phone Card; a detailed call and response detailing the perils of long distance relationships. The lyrics are banal if not cheesy, but the chorus is so damn catchy everything fits in some weird sun drenched summer anthem. Because of its advanced themes of love, it may not be the perfect song to start out your mysterious mix tape; better start out with a more neutral tone; leave it for a later tape along with your collection of Magnetic Fields .