Back in the Wiredown days, I wrote a short news blurb about the Phish reunion which turned into nonsensical gibberish. I was only voicing my distaste for public hiatuses and much hyped reunions. I remember getting an comment on that article, by a casual user, which stated that "Phish has more talent than any band you probably listen to." While I think that comment was a little derogatory, my demeanor in the article was a bit aggressive. So it goes, that Phish's entire reunion at the Hampton Coliseum was made available in high quality mp3. A staggering 3 day, 6 set, 12 hour concert was now available for free. I must admit and confess my complete and utter enjoyment thought these multiple days Phish has been playing throughout my apartment. Reviews of this show have been mixed with many people commenting on the limberness of the music after a 5 year hiatus. This show is widely not accepted the zenith of creativity and versatility (sources point to new years 1999), but it is a decent shot. It is like the 40 year old who gets caught up in a 20 something year old adventure. Sure he will be tired in the morning, but he never complained during the time. This Phish reunion soundboard tapes have opened up my jam band scab which has hardened over the years under layers of Metal, Indie Rock and various forms of electronic music. I am now in complete enjoyment of long electric jams and hours and hours of energetic improvisation. To please my critics, Phish does have talent which cannot be ignored, however, whether or not that talent eclipses other bands who are in my library is still up for debate.
Free Mp3's: http://www.livephish.com/
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