Dear Fan.
Hello, you are receiving this Email because of your membership on the
Knight Rider Online forum.
Tonight in the US at 8PM EST/7PM CST, NBC will air the finale episode for
this season of Knight Rider. After 17 episodes, the show is starting to
find its groove creatively which will lead us into a strong second season.
But we're not there yet. Because of the economy and weaker viewership
across all episodic television, networks are making tough choices about
next season schedule. It is important that we as fans work together to make
our presence known. Only then will NBC be forced to see that we are an
international community strong in support for Knight Rider
If you were planning on tuning in tonight, thats great - but please tell a
friend, and then ask them to tell one as well (specially if they are a
Nielsen viewer!). If you tuned into the beginning and were turned off,
please try it one more time as the show 17 episodes ago is completely
different then tonight's. If you're a member of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace
or any other social network - let your friends know what you'll be
It's been an uphill battle for Knight Rider. With little promotion from
NBC, no one has any idea that the show is still on the air - and skipping a
week last week does not help. We need to remind people of Knight Rider -
I received the above email and felt ashamed. I did not feel shame for being apart of the Knight Rider Online Forum community, but rather from a failed project venture. In the fall of 2008, I wanted to view the life of a television show. Every season, shows are lit like fireworks with every good intention only to crack to the silence of an absent audience. Shows that fail to capture massive attention are lined up and shot outside the studio walls. The reboot of Knight Rider promised to give me the scope of a filed television venture. I predicted the show would not live to see a second season. I intended to watch the entire season. I watched two episodes and stopped. Fast forward to this morning when a desperate plea goes out across the internet. Save Knight Rider? I forgot that show was even on. Now I feel shame. I feel shame for letting this television project fail. I feel more regret because it appears that Knight Rider is in its death throes and every prediction I made is coming true. Knight Rider is in line for the proverbial sharpened toothbrush to the kidney. What is even more fascinating is that the online community for Knight Rider seems strong. Whether that support will manifest itself into a second season we have yet to see. Although as this television season comes to a close and undesirables are taken out to the back, we await a new set of shows that promises to contain at least one new candidate for study and analysis.
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