Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wolves in the Throne Room - Malevolent Grain EP

Well it is my first official snow day of the winter. I can remember snow days at my old apartment. Early in the morning, I would wake up gleeful and walk through the blustery winter landscape to 7-11. I would buy three large energy drinks along with various assortments of microwavable food. If my roomate would be home, we would open both of our doors and play black metal all day until we could hear it out in the living room. There is something so obvious about Black Metal and frigid landscapes. I would battle roaches in my kitchen to eat hot pockets combined with cool ranch Doritos and mountain dew. After two Monsters, I would be ready to take on the world. This would usually degenerate into auspicious projects marked by a critical failure rate as soon as the sugar crashed my system. I would end up on the couch around 12 and watch six hours of a Law and Order Marathon. Snow days were special to me even though I accomplished nothing. Becasue I no longer drink energy drinks or eat food which requires a microwave, I still celebrate snow days with loud unapologetic black metal. Recently released to 2009 is a limited vinyl EP from organic farming demons; Wolves in the Throne Room. Jamie Meyers (hammers of Misfortune), who lent her voice on other WitTR releases can also be heard on opening track. This release is a warm up to their spring 2009 LP Black Cascade and is also the first to feature a new guitarist .In the scope of black metal there are those who stay close to tradition and those who swan dive into experimentation. WitTR pay tribute to early 90's black metal with records in the vein of Darkthrone, early Emperor and Gorogoth. However the themes and lyrics deviate from pagan and misanthropic lore to a more earth based devotion. This green mythos could be viewed as an extension to black metals already established abandonment of western values. Nothing feels forced in their records as some new black metal. This is black metal for green anarchist who ruins your parties by picking fights with guests.

"I will lay my bones down among the rocks and roots" from Two Hunters (2007)

The wood is filled with the sounds of wildness
The songs of birds fill the forest on this new morning
This will be my new home
Deep within the most sacred grove
the sun god is born anew

I will lay down my bones among the rocks and roots of the deepest
hollow next to the streambed
The quiet hum of the earth's dreaming is my new song

When I awake, the world will be born anew

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